Tuesday, November 20, 2007


2. History / 發展歷史

In this chapter we provide a brief history of the tools described in this book. You don't need to know this history in order to use the tools. However, the history of how the tools developed over time helps explain why the tools act the way that they do today. Also, in a book like this, it's only fair for us to credit the original authors and sources of inspiration, and to explain what they did.

在這一章,我們會簡單的描述一下本書主角 Autotools 的發展歷史。你不需要知道這些歷史就可以將這些工具上手,但是,了解這些工具程式的發展歷史可以幫助你理解為什麼這些工具的行為是今日你所見的這樣。此外,本書也要藉此機會向這些工具程式的創造者與貢獻者致敬,並解釋他們當初作下的設計決策背後的原因。

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